Resources Available for Purchase
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Asana Mythology Vol. 1 e-Book
Have you ever wondered why so many postures are named after animals within the yoga tradition or what stories are tied to poses? Find the metaphor hidden in your yoga practice.
Ashtanga Postures for Pregnancy e-Book
A beautiful downloadable PDF of different variations for postures within the Ashtanga yoga lineage that you can easily add into your current Ashtanga yoga practice, or begin to substitute these alternate variations into your sequence as your pregnancy progresses.
More Than Asana - Mini Mentorship
A 4 week mini-mentorship with me where we dove into: Self-belief + Self-Worth , Confidence as Teacher + Clarity in your Practice, Power + Patriarchy, Discipline + Surrender. Includes 4 Live Calls + workbook.
Ancient Breathing 2.0
Experience a radical shift in your energy through the power of your breath and Prayanama Breathwork which improves your physical health, yoga practice, and emotional stability so you can feel more at ease so you can enjoy life again.
Inner Circle Mentorship
With weekly live Ashtanga yoga classes, live monthly group coaching and a live breathwork and chanting class, PLUS access to an extensive community and meditation library. You can dive deep into your personal yoga journey.
Essential Breathwork for Coaches & Entrepreneurs
Increase productivity without spending money, wasting time, or losing hours of sleep with guided audio and video practices to balance your brain and nervous system so you feel creative and productive throughout the day. Learn how to immediately calm your busy mind so you can experience clarity and focused concentration in everything you do and more.
Prenatal & Postnatal Ashtanga Yoga
Guided practices, postures, and helpful suggestions to get you through your pregnancy and lessons on how to rebuild your core strength post-pregnancy.
5 Hours of Prenatal Ashtanga Yoga, 2 Hours of Post-Pregnancy Ashtanga Yoga, a PDF - Posture Modifications to use during Pregnancy, Pranayama Practice for Pregnancy and a guided Meditation for Pregnancy.
The Purpose, Planning & Breathwork Workshop & Spirit-Centered Self-Care Retreat Bundle
Learn how to implement Moments of Mindfulness resulting in productivity, energy and connecting to your life's purpose! You’ll also breathe new life into your yoga practice, discover your power of manifestation, and purposefully plan your future.
- All
- Gift Certificates
- Spinal Energetics
- 2024 Turkey Retreat
- Online Group Classes
- Ancient Breathing 2.0
- Online Video Series
- Pregnancy Yoga Practice
- Prenatal Yoga
- Finding Harmony Retreat
- Bonus Package
- B-School
- Finding Harmony Coaching
- Yoga-Business-Planning
- Business Coaching
- Yoga
- Health & Wellness
- Essential Oil
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- Workshops
- Retreats
- Books