You’ve learned the techniques. You’ve been practicing 6 days a week. You’ve tried the mantras. You've studied philosophy. You’ve even been experimenting with pranayama…
So why TF do you keep feeling like you’re missing a vital piece when it comes to cultivating a deeper spiritual connection?
Here’s the problem:
You don’t really believe in yourself.
You don’t actually trust your gut.
You don’t always listen to your intuition.
You’re so worried about what others think or what your teacher will say, you don’t even know what you think or feel when it comes to your spiritual practice.
You’re stuck comparing yourself with others on Instagram and it feels like you’re never doing enough.
You’re constantly seeking permission and validation from someone outside yourself in order to feel good about yourself and your practice.
It’s time to disrupt the second-guessing, the self-doubt, and unleash your unshakable spiritual connection and your inner confidence!
Limited Time Only
More Than Asana -
Mini Mentorship
A 4 week mini-mentorship with me where we dive into:
❤ Self-belief + Self-Worth
❤ Confidence as Teacher + Clarity in your Practice
❤ Intuitive Strength + Soul-Alignment
❤ Discipline + Surrender
✨ 4 Calls (attend live or catch the replay)
✨ 4 Video Modules
✨ Workbook + More
Investment: $488
❤ Bonus Integration Group Coaching Session
❤ ONLY 25 Spots available
A 4 week mini-mentorship with me, Harmony Slater.
I’ll show you how to trust the timing of your life, strengthen your self-belief, and tap into divinely inspired badass energy, so you can access that deeper sense of connection you wished you possessed.
Anytime. Anywhere.
What you’ll learn…
Shift your energy around what it means to practice yoga and show up for yourself.
Find out how to disconnect your self-worth from the amount of postures you can do or the number of students / followers you have.
Become wildly intentional about the energy you’re calling in (FYI detaching from the fruits of your actions doesn't mean sitting around doing nothing).
Stop coming to your practice from a place of lack and self-doubt and instead confidently create a spiritual ritual that feeds your soul with inspiration and expansion.
Increase your capacity to receive more—more love, joy, and energy. We're blowing past all the upper limits here.
What is MORE than ASANA Mentorship?
It's 4 live calls where I’ll be modelling and mentoring you on how to coach yourself through the limiting beliefs, blocks, and patterns of disowning yourself when it comes to your personal power and your yoga practice.
Through this experiential mini-mentorship, you’ll discover the energetic tools and practices I’ve used to upgrade my beliefs, gain deep confidence in myself, and practice being grounded even when things feel shaky around me.
Over the 4 weeks, we’re diving into:
❤ Self-belief + Self-Worth
❤ Confidence as Teacher + Clarity in your Practice
❤ Intuitive Strength + Soul-Alignment
❤ Discipline + Surrender
You’ll get a workbook to help you capture your own insights and take action on your spiritual downloads, weekly journaling prompts, and this round only, an opportunity to get your specific Q’s answered.
IMPORTANT: You do not need to come to the live calls, because this isn’t about me coaching you.
This is about me sharing how I think and process what it means to integrate spiritual practice into every aspect of your life, and you taking what you can and implementing it for yourself.
So for the love of God, please don’t tell me you can’t make it live. You don’t need to!
✖️ This is not a coaching program. I’m teaching you to be a coach or a yoga teacher.
✖️ This is not a kumbaya circle where we vision and meditate.
✖️ I’m not teaching you asana tips or techniques! So don’t even ask.
✖️ I’m not going to tell you how you should practice or teach or what you “should” do.
➔ We’re not getting into how-to do anything, other than embodying the divinely inspired badass energy that helps you believe in yourself and take the kind of action that makes you feel more connected to your spiritual centre, which leads to more joy, fulfillment, love… and yes… even more money!
This is about Finding Your Big “Yes” Energy!
I created this mini-mentorship experience because after all the years of teaching, coaching and all the practice I’ve personally done, something BIG shifted for me this past year.
I stopped giving a fuck. I stopped looking to others for validation. I stopped projecting positively or negatively onto all the teachers and gurus I’ve studied with. I stopped depending on having a “good practice” (or having any formal structure for “practice” at all) to feel worthy about myself.
I started listening to my gut, my intuition, a softer voice of knowing… even if it meant not practising any asana that day, or stepping back from a formal time for pranayama + meditation, and letting go of this chronic pattern of striving to get somewhere or to be someone different…
The result?
My spiritual experience deepened.
While I did less… While I travelled + took time off. While I trained our new puppy (yes… we have two 🐕 🐕 now!).
I stopped blocking my own expansion and started saying YES to my intuition, to new practices, experiences, and to receiving more with ease… even if my practice didn’t look anything like it did before.
I stopped abandoning myself and trying to cover it up with a commitment to “practice.”
I stopped mindlessly reciting things like: “devotion, discipline, determination, dedication” and feeling guilty that I wasn’t living up to other people’s standards.
The students & clients I work with all talk about tapping into “Harmony Energy” whenever they want to make bold moves in their lives by connecting to their spiritual centre.
This is your chance to be mentored by me, and to learn the principles that will take you beyond the asana.
So you can create that “fire” within yourself and awaken to the fact that you already have a powerful connection to that Divine Cosmic Energy, whenever you want, however you want.
It's time to stop the second-guessing that keeps you stuck in a disempowered cycle of always seeking permission and validation from a teacher to do things you want to do.
Because when you truly trust your own self, you will know how to listen + recognize the signs, and do the things that truly feed your soul + stop doing things that are depleting you — even if you’re scared to let go. Especially when you’re scared.
The unshakeable confidence you’ll feel about yourself and your spiritual connection will finally create the expansion and freedom you’ve been searching for.
Consider this your invitation.
I hope you’ll join us.
Investment: $488
❤ Bonus Integration Group Coaching Session
❤ ONLY 25 Spots available
Opening Again in 2025
More Than Asana -
Mini Mentorship
A 4 week mini-mentorship with me where we dive into:
❤ Self-belief + Self-Worth
❤ Confidence as Teacher + Clarity in your Practice
❤ Intuitive Strength + Soul-Alignment
❤ Discipline + Surrender
✨ 4 Calls (attend live or catch the replay)
✨ Workbook + More
✨ 4 Video Modules