“As long as Man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings, he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love.”
Enjoy these Recipes and Writings
Experience Greater Health & Wellness

Kheer - A Traditional Indian Dessert
Creamy Rice Kheer, also known as Indian Rice Pudding, is made with 3 simple ingredients: sugar, rice, and milk. It is the quintessential Indian dessert that every Indian child grows up eating. You can flavor it with cardamom, nuts, rose water or saffron to give it a little extra excitement. I like to add cinnamon and clove to mine to spice it up a bit and I also use Maple Syrup instead of sugar for sweetener. I also like to make mine plant-based or vegan, which is very simple to do and very tasty!

May Reset Challenge
MAY IS HERE! And it’s time to join the May Reset Challenge! #MayResetChalleng
This challenge is to get you out of your funk and shift your energy and mindset. It’s time to refocus on taking care of yourself and building healthier habits while staying at home. We will be focusing on: Resetting your spiritual practice,
resetting your thoughts and emotions, resetting your diet and lifestyle.
I can’t wait to see what you all come up with to lighten your spirit and reset your health! Share your May Reset progress and any helpful hints with me and each other in my Harmony Yoga Resources Facebook group
Be sure to share on Instagram to and tag me @harmonyslateryoga and add the hashtag #MayResetChallenge
BONUS PRIZE: If you post 15 times during the month of May, sharing how your reset is going or what you are doing to reset your health, you will be entered to win a 30 minute personal coaching session with me!