What is a spiritual practice? How does it work? How will it improve my life? How will deepening my self-care transform me? What strategies can I use to improve my life, increase my health, and create wellness? How can craft a life that I love?
The Finding Harmony Podcast gets to the root of all these questions. Each episode is full of inspiration, humour, honest observations, and actionable steps that you can integrate to enhance your experience of self-love, develop a connection to Spirit, and create a life you truly love.
Show Notes Below:

Anita Cunha Vegan Chef Extraordinaire!
Anita Cunha, our dear friend and beautiful Vegan Chef joins us today. She specializes in creating perfectly balanced Ayurvedic cuisine. We’re learning about her journey down the path of self-discovery through her love for spice and food. She has a beautiful book called, “VEGAN INDIA: My Love Affair With The Land Of Spice” in which she shares much of her story along with incredibly delicious recipes.
Anita believes it’s possible to gain esoteric knowledge of our body and mind through changing our eating habits. Flavors and smells have the power to bring transformation and change our consciousness

Escape the Meatrix with Stuart Waldner
Stuart says, “Like Neo in the Matrix, the Meatrix hooked my brain and my body on what it force-fed me since birth. Since taking the red pill and becoming plant-based, I see how I was living in a world of speciesism, brainwashed by the Meatrix and hooked on its products. I believe the Meatrix held this power over me because it is a cult I was born into and never questioned.”
The better he felt, not consuming animal-based products, the more he learned about the statistical connections between our dietary choices and the worldwide crises we’re about to face on a global scale. He felt called to wake people up—for our health and for the planet!

Plant Based Himalaya with Babita Shrestha
Today, we are absolutely delighted to present to you an amazingly self made woman. Babita comes from one of those rare villages in modern life, so ubiquitous in the developing world with hard-baked Nepalese mud floors and kerosene burners for cooking. And, that is in fact, how Babita learned to cook by her grandfather’s side.
Listen in amazement as she tells the story of how she became an art and film student studying in Minnesota, and now a Barnes and Nobles best selling cook book author.

Vegan Vitality with Kathleen Kastner
It is with great pleasure that we introduce you to our guest today, Kathleen Kastner. A devotee of Paramahansa Yogananda’s Self-Realization Fellowship, an adopted child of Kansas, Deepak Chopra’s personal trainer, a philanthropist, and a published author many times over. Her passion was fuelled by working with clients who were struggling with obesity and helping them lose weight. She is certified in plant-based nutrition with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and has her own Vegan cooking YouTube channel.