“If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into you.”
Enjoy These Musings and Insights on Yoga and Life

An Idyll: What is Classic? Part VI: The Classic Jumpshot
If you’re interested in how back-bending and basketball connect you will need to read this fantastic blog written by Russell Altice Case… He muses about art, sports, motorcycles, Hinduism, yoga, linguistics, definitions, gurus… and so much more!
This is a link to Part 6: The Classic Jumpshot - Featuring an extended quote from me about the secret to a happy, healthy back-bend.
If you like it, I would recommend starting at Part One, or at the very least go back and read Part 4, 5 which are full of interesting Yoga references and give a lot of the context around What is Classical, including classical “Hatha Yoga”. It’s a fun and super thought provoking blog to read!