“As long as Man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings, he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love.”
Enjoy these Recipes and Writings
Experience Greater Health & Wellness

Vegan Korean Miso Soup
My husband, Russell Case, learned how to make this dish in Andong, South Korea, back in 1997 and it was the first meal he ever cooked for me! ❤️ It’s super easy and so delicious! I’m sure it will make everyone fall in love with you! LOL - it worked for Russell!

Hail To The Kale Salad
This is one of my all time favorite salads. It is loaded with nutrients, great for cleansing the liver, and super delicious on top of it!
Even when my son was 5 years old, he loved it and he still does. The combination of kale, carrots, cabbage and seeds makes this a salad that is both colorful and crunchy. It’s time for you to eat a rainbow!

Plant-Based Cauliflower-Mushroom Mac & Cheese
This is a delicious vegan-gluten-free Mac & Cheese recipe. The fried mushrooms (and broccoli if you choose) is added into the sauce after you blend it to make it smooth. The sauce itself is made with plant milk, cauliflower and cashews (you can also use walnuts). We use gluten-free pasta, but you’re welcome to use whatever pasta you like!

Kitchari (also called khichdi or khichri) is a one-pot dish that is a basic staple in Ayurveda. It is very nourishing and easy to digest. It is cooked until it reaches a porridge-like consistency.
Be sure to include the ginger powder to reduce excess Vata or Kapha conditions. Leave out the mustard seeds if you are looking to reduce an excess Pitta problem.

Easy Vegan Mac and Cheese
Super simple plant based, vegan mac and “cheese.” This tastes delicious and is easy to re-create.