What is a spiritual practice? How does it work? How will it improve my life? How will deepening my self-care transform me? What strategies can I use to improve my life, increase my health, and create wellness? How can craft a life that I love?

The Finding Harmony Podcast gets to the root of all these questions. Each episode is full of inspiration, humour, honest observations, and actionable steps that you can integrate to enhance your experience of self-love, develop a connection to Spirit, and create a life you truly love.

Show Notes Below:

Reflections and Revelations: Celebrating 200 Episodes of Finding Harmony

Reflections and Revelations: Celebrating 200 Episodes of Finding Harmony

Join me and my ever-entertaining husband, Russell, on a delightful and reflective journey through the last 4 years and past 200 episodes of the Finding Harmony Podcast!
In this special episode we're diving into some of the heartfelt and humorous stories that made the last 4 years of gathering together so meaningful!

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Amazing Ashtanga: Eye-Opening Insights on Yoga, Teaching, and Life - with Ross Stambaugh

Amazing Ashtanga: Eye-Opening Insights on Yoga, Teaching, and Life - with Ross Stambaugh

Today we’re chatting with Ross Stambaugh, a travelling yoga teacher, who came to the practice to help him find freedom from the daily stress of working as a fine arts teacher in public schools. The conversation delves into Ross Stambaugh's unique yoga journey, including his choice to practice with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois' daughter, Saraswathi Jois, over making a more conventional choice to practice under her son, R. Sharath Jois.

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From Injuries to Insights: Navigating Healing in the Yoga World - with Dan Fanthorpe

From Injuries to Insights: Navigating Healing in the Yoga World - with Dan Fanthorpe

Join us on an epic journey with our guest, Dan Fanthorpe, (an experienced Osteopath and Ashtanga yoga teacher) and we venture into the realms of yoga, healing, and the transformative power of community as we navigate the ups + downs of injuries in yoga.

This insightful conversation goes far beyond a discussion of physical injuries to explore the spiritual and emotional dimensions of the practice.

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Body Autonomy Is Punk: Breaking Free From Disordered Eating

Body Autonomy Is Punk: Breaking Free From Disordered Eating

Aimee began her career not as a Yoga teacher but a punk rock singer, recording several albums and touring the world with her band theSTART and performing guest vocals for Red Hot Chili Peppers, Garbage, Teddybears and so many more. With complete candor, she shares how she has struggled with body image and disordered eating off and on throughout her life and the steps she’s taken to reframe her relationship with food and her body.

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Unlocking the Mental Benefits of Yoga: A Scientific Perspective with Jean Bryne

Unlocking the Mental Benefits of Yoga: A Scientific Perspective with Jean Bryne

Join us as we sit down with our dear friend and distinguished guest, Jean Bryne, to discuss the depths of yoga's impact on mental health. With her extensive background in both traditional practice and modern scientific research, Jean offers a rare and insightful perspective on the mental benefits of yoga, explored through a scientific lens.

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From Harmony, With Love: A Merry Romp Through 2023's Ups And Downs

From Harmony, With Love: A Merry Romp Through 2023's Ups And Downs

Join me and my ever-entertaining husband, Russell, on a delightful and reflective journey through the past year.
In this special Christmas Eve episode of the Finding Harmony Podcast, we're diving into the heartfelt and sometimes humorous stories that made 2023 a year to remember…

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A Spiritual Practice For the Holidays

A Spiritual Practice For the Holidays

With Thanksgiving behind us and Christmas coming up around the corner, I wanted to share some helpful tips for how we can use spiritual practices to help us through the holidays. Practices like yoga and mindfulness not only alleviate stress but also contribute to a stronger immune system and overall better health. Scientific evidence suggests that a calm mind can positively impact our body's cellular function and immune response.

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Why Asana Isn’t Enough…

Why Asana Isn’t Enough…

Many of us come to the practice feeling broken and struggle with an underlying sense that we’re just not enough. We seek validation by looking outside ourselves. We seek to do things right, to learn the “correct method” and toe the party line.
But when we truly slow down to feel what’s underneath all our striving and the patterns of perfectionism, we begin to see that it’s the system that’s broken, not us.

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Helena Rosenthal: Mystic, Mama, Musician

Helena Rosenthal: Mystic, Mama, Musician

Helena first stepped onto the Ashtanga mat when she was 19 years old. Coming out of her rebellious teen years, filled with drug abusing and running away from home.
She was instantly bewitched by the method and has been practicing asana along with self-inquiry, ever since. She’s now living in Palma de Mallorca, and has opened up EARTH YOGA in Santa Catalina.

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Creating a Sustainable Spiritual Wellness Practice

Creating a Sustainable Spiritual Wellness Practice

If you've ever felt overwhelmed by a lack of time or physical fatigue, this episode is for you.

We're going to discuss a few practical strategies to help you overcome some of these obstacles and create a sustainable spiritual wellness practice.

Whether you're feeling pressed for time, exhausted, or over-committed, I'm giving you some helpful ways to slow down and create a practice that both nourishes your spirit and gives you energy!

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Finding A Stillpoint with Scott Johnson

Finding A Stillpoint with Scott Johnson

Scott is a sensitive soul. His gentle, compassionate, kind energy is transmitted not only through his teaching style, but you’ll feel it in the way he speaks.
The space we enter around him is saturated with loving kindness.

We hope you enjoy this episode and find your own sense of encouragement, hope, and healing through absorbing and also integrating a new approach to your breath and movement practice. Maybe you’ll even find a Stillpoint amidst the chaos of an ever changing world.

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Eternally Youthful with David Garrigues

Eternally Youthful with David Garrigues

You might know David Garrigues as a Certified Ashtanga yoga teacher, but today you’ll hear all about what spurred him into the Seattle punk scene, and how music pulled him out of a very difficult time in his life, where he was homeless and starting to sink into a very dark place.
How did he go from a homeless young punk rocker to practicing yoga in Mysore, India, with Pattabhi Jois? You’ll find out in this episode.

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Awaken with Susan Klein-Holman

Awaken with Susan Klein-Holman

Susan Klein-Holmen is a multi-passionate entrepreneur. The Founder and Creative Director STELLdesign, and Yoga Teacher and Mentor at her own school: Kosha Yoga Shala. Susan shares with us a very intense and terrifying experience that changed her life forever.
It happened to her while at a yoga retreat. Her story is one that maybe you can relate to?

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A Stroke of Insight with Meghan Marshall

A Stroke of Insight with Meghan Marshall

This conversation with Meghan had all of us laughing about something that's no laughing matter! In August of 2019, Meghan had a stroke, right in the middle of her Ashtanga yoga practice! This random event changed her perspective on life completely. She realized, time is short. And that the peripheral community drama wasn't important to her personal practice. She decided to boldly step forward on her path, recognizing she didn't have time to wait for permission to teach. Instead, she made the resolve that if she recovered, she would claim her own authority. And we're so glad she did.

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When Love Beckons You with Delara Tiv

When Love Beckons You with Delara Tiv

Delara Tiv grew up with Sufi traditions throughout her family. However, it wasn't until she turned 22 that she became drunk with love and fell headfirst into the Sufi Mystic path as a disciple of Sufi Master Javad Nurbakhsh. Her spiritual practice is graced by his guidance and this Mystic teaching is a parallel path to her practice of Yoga.

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Waiting for Grace with Nina Rao

Waiting for Grace with Nina Rao

What Nina Rao enchants us with is an opportunity to reflect more deeply on what it means to cultivate a spiritual practice. For those of us not born into a specific lineage, we have the gift and freedom to resonate and choose different spiritual paths and practices.
However, there is something to be said about digging a single well and going deep. Discovering what insight lays buried within the repetition. True learning. And, in the end, we touch something beyond this behavioral reality — we begin to transcend our ego-selves

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All of You is Welcome

All of You is Welcome

This is a solo episode where I'm reflecting on spiritual practice and meditation.

Spiritual practice is about welcoming all of you. It's touching life exactly where life is touching you.

If you have more questions or want more episodes like this please comment on this post!

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¡Hala Madrid! ...y nada más

¡Hala Madrid! ...y nada más

During the course of this interview a smile started to slowly etch itself into our very souls. Some people are built different. Some people hide themselves away, only revealing who they are little by little. Then, over the desert course, possibly after uncorking another bottle of wine, they mention the unmentionable and blow your fucking mind.
That’s our guest today, Carmen Yagüe.

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Journey to Mysore Tenerife with Viviane Simon

Journey to Mysore Tenerife with Viviane Simon

When Ashtanga yoga found Viviane Simon she was going through a difficult period of depression, ending a seriously toxic relationship, and struggling with her weight, being 130kg (286 pounds). Viviane started to prioritize her practice as a way of prioritizing her self-care. This simple act changed everything. Her first teacher, Griselda, always encouraged her to practice, telling her it wasn’t necessary to change anything about her physicality, she never suggested that her body size, shape, or weight would be an impediment to any asana.

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Being, Nothingness & Suchness with Jivana Heyman

Being, Nothingness & Suchness with Jivana Heyman

What a beautiful podcast to kick off Pride month!

This is an important month to celebrate our common humanity, diversity, and unconditional love and acceptance of one another.

Jivana coined the phrase, “Accessible Yoga,” over ten years ago, and it has now become the standard appellation for a large cross section of the immense yoga world.

Russell’s tendency of over-relating to our guests has been noted. And this episode is no exception. It might seem he’s attempting to “out gay the gays,” so to speak. But it opens this conversation into an incredibly intimate and deep portrait of a young man stepping into a cultural identity during a particularly traumatic time in our collective history, the HIV/AIDS crisis.

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