What is a spiritual practice? How does it work? How will it improve my life? How will deepening my self-care transform me? What strategies can I use to improve my life, increase my health, and create wellness? How can craft a life that I love?

The Finding Harmony Podcast gets to the root of all these questions. Each episode is full of inspiration, humour, honest observations, and actionable steps that you can integrate to enhance your experience of self-love, develop a connection to Spirit, and create a life you truly love.

Show Notes Below:

The Hidden Gem that is Kathy Cooper

The Hidden Gem that is Kathy Cooper

We had such a good time talking to an old friend in Kathy Cooper. For Russell it reminded him of Anne Rice’s vampire Lestat’s recounting of his origins in New Orleans. Lestat wrote that at every corner he was continuously surprised to find another stronger older vampire coming out of the ground and shadows. Each time like pulling back yards of history. These Ashtanga yoga students from the 70’s are each one a surprise fascinating in their strength and wisdom.

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Manuel Ferreira: The Brazen Bull

Manuel Ferreira: The Brazen Bull

Today we have the infamous Bull Fighting Manuel Ferreira on the show for you. We are delighted that such an old friend would agree to come on to tell us about his life and family growing up in Portugal. It’s literally true that he was a bull fighter, though perhaps just as a student and not so much a professional. He’s an interesting person to sit with as he has lived his life with so much joie du vivre or alegria de viver as one might say in Portuguese…

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Niki Baratta: Earth Angel

Niki Baratta: Earth Angel

We are delighted to share with you this beautiful conversation with Niki Baratta, who may potentially qualify as one of the most interesting people alive!

Niki comes from the U.K. (quite coincidentally, like many of our recent guests); However, she has a very unique story about creating herself, raising up in the world of fashion, to launching her very own line of jewelry before moving into teaching yoga and coaching woman.

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Alex South: No Pelvis Left Behind

Alex South: No Pelvis Left Behind

“From menstruation, pregnancy, miscarriage, pelvic pain, endometriosis and fibroids, every pelvis has a story, and more often than not, we’re quite disconnected from it.” Please sit with us on this beautiful Sunday as we join our friend Alexandra South in a deeply personal story.

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Jeanette Keane: Dance Me to the End of Love

Jeanette Keane: Dance Me to the End of Love

The Finding Harmony Podcast has always been a play on words. How to find harmony in your life?

Uncovering that point when one hits rock bottom and discovers yoga as the secret key to ending suffering… Sometime after everything else has failed. Jeanette was fortunate enough to be introduced to yoga at a very young age through her mother. She’s an artist, a professional dancer, and skilled in Public Relations, Digital Communication, Marketing and Arts Administration. But even Jeanette explored many different avenues, looking for answers, before realizing that yoga held the perfect space for her to cultivate inner-peace.

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The Ever Ebullient Yan Ong

The Ever Ebullient Yan Ong

Yan, like a good champagne, has a sparkling personality. We very much enjoyed chatting with her in Portugal about her life, Injuries with the practice, and learning to thrive despite suffering from an autoimmune disorder… And So Much More!

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Sat Inder Khalsa The Kwisatz Haderach

Sat Inder Khalsa The Kwisatz Haderach

In this week’s Finding Harmony Podcast episode, you’ll come to the confluence where Kundalini and Ashtanga yoga meet… In the heart of Sat Inder Khalsa: the Kwisatz Haderach.

Our beloved Sat Inder is a devotee of the Divine Mother and shishya to her servant Yogavidananda. Sat Inder is an Authorized Ashtanga Yoga teacher, lover of mythology, a great storyteller, and a retired “Kundaloonie (as he likes to say)…

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On Tour with Jens Bache

On Tour with Jens Bache

Jens Bache is not your ordinary Ashtanga yoga practitioner or teacher. He came to yoga as a highly celebrated Engineer, in the middle of a very normal career trajectory, yet he was looking for more… and he most certainly found it!

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Electric Man : Stan Woodman

Electric Man : Stan Woodman

What makes someone electric?

In today’s episode we’re going to find out.

Stan Woodman joins us in conversation. He has that beautiful esprit de corps that comes from overcoming adversity with a team in fellowship, even in the face of great tragedy there's still Love in the group.

Stan has a confidence in him that he is loved and will always be loved. Not in an arrogant way whatsoever, but as a man who loves all beings and naturally sees Love within them.

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Elizabeth Ball: Science & Yoga

Elizabeth Ball: Science & Yoga

Dr. Elizabeth Ball is a unique teacher within our community. She's akin to the Neuroscientist Meditator or the Warrior Poet… A person uniquely situated to watch reality, as the seer residing in herself. She observes with awareness. As water gives life to the ten thousand things; yet does not strive to do so. She simply does. And so, with her PhD in immunology, Liz is uniquely situated to observe the physiological process of becoming whole as she dips her toe into the water of serenity.

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Rebirth, Restart,  and the New Year with Guy Donahaye

Rebirth, Restart, and the New Year with Guy Donahaye

Guy has a very natural and shy reticence about him. It’s one of his strongest characteristics and is something his students would all immediately ascribe to him. So we were absolutely thrilled to have him join us and talk so much! He was loving, humble and engaged with our conversation in a sincere way, with the intention of cultivating a deeper understanding around why we do the things we do, what’s the true purpose for practicing yoga, and how this might be approached in different ways.

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Magic and the Mysore Yoga Tradition with Andrew Eppler

Magic and the Mysore Yoga Tradition with Andrew Eppler

Merry Christmas! For this year-end special we have a little present for you all. Some Magic!

Andrew Eppler began practicing yoga with his father, Ray Eppler, at age 14. Cliff Barber was their first teacher. Andrew has continued practising and teaching Ashtanga yoga all over the world for the past 35 years. Andrew has given us all an incredible gift. He has made and produced the documentary film: The Mysore Yoga Traditions. This film is a deep dive into the myriad practices and teachers, who are alive, available, and relevant in Mysore today. Andrew also studied magic and enjoys diving into anything that seems to be impossible. He is well known as The Yogi Magician.

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Saraswati the Goddess of Learning with Tara Mitra

Saraswati the Goddess of Learning with Tara Mitra

What does cooking, painting and yoga all have in common?

Listen to this week’s episode of Finding Harmony with Tara Mitra to find out.

Tara is a life long lover of learning, discovering new ideas, people, and places. It seems no accident that her mentor, Guru, and main teacher was named after the Hindu goddess of knowledge, music, art, speech, wisdom, and learning: Saraswati.

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Coming Full Circle with Nea Ferrier

Coming Full Circle with Nea Ferrier

Accessing the deepest, most personal parts of herself, and bringing them into the light is at the heart of Nea’s practice. Like Bhuvaneshwari, the great cosmic mother of the universe, who represents space and who creates space for all things. Nea herself, has become a cosmic womb. She creates space within her own consciousness for beautiful experiences to grow and flourish, and is focused on giving birth to her very own divine nature.

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A Trip Towards the Self with Barry Silver

A Trip Towards the Self with Barry Silver

Today we interview Barry Silver, traveling artist, explorer of the mystic and esoteric realms. Barry is astonishingly self aware of his own pursuit of cool, and seeking to be cool in the myriad communities he merged with. Whether it was Disco, Kundalini Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, or the “Burner Community,” he has come back to being himself again and again, finding comfort in acknowledging who he is. Like the Alchemist’s journey, he’s realized that there was nothing to strive for or become, and he oozed cool all along.

From altar building to cathartic scrapbook journaling, Barry Silver has traveled an interesting path to becoming a full-time artist… His work is comic, genius, and generous in a wondrously mysterious way.

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IKEA, ABBA and Lisa Lalér

IKEA, ABBA and Lisa Lalér

Sweden is famous for IKEA, ABBA, Minecraft… and Spotify!

Today we speak with the lovely Lisa Lalér, who was born and raised in Stockholm in Sweden.

We’re extremely grateful that Lisa opened up to us about her turbulent childhood and the trauma accumulated in her body which manifested as stiffness; so much so, that when she came to the practice of Ashtanga yoga she was praised as the stiffest student Maria Boox had ever seen!

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Karyn Grenfell: A Hero's Journey

Karyn Grenfell: A Hero's Journey

Karyn Grenfell has a very particular and idiosyncratic way of living her life. She is not dissimilar to a Tibetan nun, simply here and present, offering goodness to all beings. She’s not bored. Or at least she’s come to terms with a certain pace of life. And, she’s inculcating that same quality of patience and peacefulness in her child. Karyn is keeping alive traditions that feel as if they belong in another century, a predigital age, activities that keep her refreshingly grounded and self-aware.

If you’re at all in doubt about the value of an Ashtanga Yoga practice, or if you’re fretting and insecure, be assured that the 20 years of practice in a dark room at 3:00 in the morning DOES HAVE an effect…

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Joey Solano: Accountant to the Bollywood Stars

Joey Solano: Accountant to the Bollywood Stars

Grab a coffee, brew your tea, crack a coconut, because this is a real “chai-stand” conversation!

In today’s episode you’ll hear story after story about different people and events within our global yoga community, including celebrity encounters, and funny stories about our time in Mysore, both together and separately.

Our guest is not a professional yoga teacher, but is someone known and loved far and wide within our global yoga family.

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Susanna Finocchi: Transitions Through Time and Space

Susanna Finocchi: Transitions Through Time and Space

Similar to Ganesha the elephant-headed deity in India, Janus is the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, frames, and endings in ancient Roman mythology. He is usually depicted as having two faces. Susanna Finocchi, (our first Italian guest!) is a woman who knows these transitions well.

Susanna expounds on the weirdness of being a Southerner in the North. You become a kind of “in-between person,” neither here nor there, but like all these mythological figures you are given a special insight to human nature. And Susanna, in her loving and enthusiastic way, gifts us with her wisdom today.

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Emma O'Neill on this Samhain

Emma O'Neill on this Samhain

Samhain or All Hollow’s Eve is an ancient festival of the northern Gaelic islands. It’s a celebration meant to honour the beginning of winter when the demarcation between this world the other is thinned. To celebrate this day and these celestial beings, we present our friend and fellow Canadian, an Irish born lass, Emma O’Neill. She’s a lady who’s quite touched by the gifts that come from a long lineage of Pagan Irish Women. Not only is Emma an Ashtanga yoga teacher, but she’s also a voice actor who in her own words, “was born and placed on stage,” as well as a Mala-Magician, a true artist with beads, imbuing them with her Witchy Irish intuition and Sanskrit incantations to enhance the sacred stone properties….

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