What is a spiritual practice? How does it work? How will it improve my life? How will deepening my self-care transform me? What strategies can I use to improve my life, increase my health, and create wellness? How can craft a life that I love?
The Finding Harmony Podcast gets to the root of all these questions. Each episode is full of inspiration, humour, honest observations, and actionable steps that you can integrate to enhance your experience of self-love, develop a connection to Spirit, and create a life you truly love.
Show Notes Below:

Mark Robberds: God of Thunder
Obviously, Mark Robberds isn’t actually the ancient Norse God of Thunder. He is actually quite soft spoken and has a gentle moderate spirit. We touch upon several historical incidents that reinforced patterns of normative behavior in our global community and how these somewhat dramatic events effected each of our lives.
This conversation is a lively one! We are exploring issues of psychology, science, physiology, and philosophy.
If you have ever wanted to sit back and chill with Mark, bask in his beatific presence while making snarky remarks, and digging in deep to what our core values really are, this is your day to do it. ❤️