“If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into you.”
Enjoy These Musings and Insights on Yoga and Life

Five Signs That You Need A Retreat
Do you feel like your life is on autopilot? Are you exhausting yourself by burning the candle at both ends? Maybe you're beginning to feel a little burnt out?
Although yoga is a very therapeutic practice, healing (on any level) can only take place when we are relaxed. Right now we need the healing benefits of yoga more than ever, but we also have to create the space to allow it's effects to work on us….

Why Would You Want Two Legs Behind Your Head?
To begin… there really isn’t a good “reason” to ever put both legs behind your head! However, if you practice Ashtanga yoga following the sequencing of Sri K Pattabhi Jois, then you will inevitibly reach this tricky posture about a third of the way through the Intermediate Series.
To begin with, I would recommend spending a significant amount time in the posture that comes right before this one: Eka-Pada-Sirsasana…

Tips for Working on Kapotasana
Kapotasana is another one of those very difficult postures in the Second Series of the Ashtanga yoga sequence. Here you will find some tips for working on this asana using the assistance of a wall to gradually open and strengthen the muscles supporting the spine so that you can practice this posture without pain.