“If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into you.”
Enjoy These Musings and Insights on Yoga and Life

How To Open Your Heart
Tomorrow’s full moon is in the sign of Aries, but it is conjunct with Chiron, an asteroid that orbits our solar system, known to Astrologers as “the wounded healer.”
The asteroid called Chiron entered the sign of Aries back in February of 2019 and will remain in this sign until April 2027! Chiron, in Greek Mythology, is a healer, teacher and mentor. Whereas Aries is the ultimate warrior.
So this is a time to open your heart and ask yourself, “What do I want to fight for that needs healing within myself and within the world?” We are entering a period of deep healing and transformation. It’s time to let go of these old patterns that effect your present reality, face your fears, and confront what’s holding you back. Embrace the power that is you-here-now.
The healer resides within… Read More

How You Can Get A Better Backbend in 3 Simple Steps
Are you struggling with you backbends? Can’t figure out where it’s all going wrong?
In this Wellness Wednesday video, I demonstrate the how you can find a better backbend with 3 simple steps. Now, I said the steps were simple, that doesn’t mean they are easy!
Tips To Work Your "Drop-Backs"
Many yoga students are very excited to start learning how to drop-back from a standing position into a back-bend. However, when they come to start trying they discover that it is a lot more challenging that it first appears. Here, in this video and post, Harmony gives some helpful tips to get you started on this journey.